I an new to signal processing, working on a UWB radar data this data has a shape of frames for which every frame (list) has 164 values, I want to apply a bandpass filter with cutoff frequency of 1hz and 5hz to filter the noisy data. My filter is not giving the good results as I expected (the filtered data is the reason behind), so I was wondering how can I debug this:
Fs = 50
fp = np.array([1, 5])
Ap = 0.025
filter_order = 2
wc = (2 * pi * fp) / Fs
print('wc is ', wc)
sos = signal.cheby1(filter_order,
filt_data_UWB1 = signal.sosfilt(sos, data_UWB1_before)
How can I plot the impulse response, Frequency response and the data before and after being filtered (every sample of data is a frame that contains 164 point how i am supposed to plot this )?