I want to understand how to interpret ADEV plots. I was of the understanding that if we see a peak at 1sec of TDEV plot there is a 1Hz noise in Time Interval Error(TIE) Capture.
To understand the relationship between TIE and TDEV I considered TIE to be a sinusoidal wave of 1Hz sampled using a signal of 20Hz (much greater than Nyquist requirement) and for a period of 10sec (tmax)
Sharing the code used:
import numpy as np
import allantools
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import interact, fixed
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
# data generation
# signal characteristics and sampling characteristics
freq = 1
tmin = 0
tmax = 10
sampling_period = 1/16
def generate_data(freq, tmin, tmax, sampling_period):
t = np.arange(tmin,tmax,sampling_period)
data = np.sin(2*np.pi*t*freq)
#data =
return data,t
def plot_data(ax, t, data):
def compute_adev(data, rate):
# Load data
a = allantools.Dataset(data=data,rate=rate,data_type="phase")
# compute mdev
# Plot it using the Plot class
b = allantools.Plot()
b.plot(a, errorbars=True, grid=True)
# You can override defaults before "show" if needed
b.ax.set_xlabel("Tau (s)")
def call_func(freq=1, tmin=0.0, tmax=10.0, sampling_period=1/20):
data,t = generate_data(freq, tmin, tmax, sampling_period)
compute_adev(data, 1/sampling_period)
call_func(1, 0.0, 10.0, 1/20)
The below Tdev Plot is using tmax=10.0
The below Tdev Plot is using tmax=100.0
The plot is not having peak at 1Hz. Since the input TIE is periodic over 1Hz, shouldn't we expect a peak at Tau = 1sec ?
PS. since i need 300points to create a tag, tagging time-freq and time-domain