Consider the following recursive difference equation of a LTI system, where $v[n]$ is a white noise, zero-mean process with $\sigma_v^2 = 1$.
$ x[n] = v[n] + 0.75x[n-1]-0.25x[n-2] $
I want to calculate the auto-correlation sequence $r_{xx}[k]$ for $k=0,1,2$. I started as follows:
$ r_{xx}[k] = E\{(v[n] + 0.75x[n-1]-0.25x[n-2])(v[n-k] + 0.75x[n-k-1]-0.25x[n-k-2])\} \\ r_{xx}[0] = E\{ v[n]^2 \} + 0.75^2 E\{ x[n-1]^2 \} - 2 \times 0.25 \times 0.75 E\{ x[n-1] x[n-2] \} + 0.25^2 E\{ x[n-2]^2 \} = \sigma_v^2 + \frac{5}{8} r_{xx}[0] - \frac{3}{8}r_{xx}[1] $
As you can see, in the equation for $r_{xx}[0]$, a term with $r_{xx}[1]$ remains. If I then want to determine $r_{xx}[1]$, a term with $r_{xx}[2]$ remains, and so on. How is it possible to solve this problem?