
Here is a simple MATLAB experiment:

alpha = 1;
R = 10;
[b,a] = butter(7,alpha*1/R);
x = resample(sign(randn(100,1)),R,1,0); % zero-order-hold
y = filter(b,a,x);
eyediagram(y, 2*R);

With channel twice the bandwidth than the pulses (alpha=2) the eye diagram looks clean. The first thing I am concerned that the eye diagram at the critical bandwidth (alpha=1, i.e. channel bandwidth is bitrate/2) still looks reasonably clean (little bit ISI but not too much):

Eye Diagram NRZ

I would have expected significant ISI at the critical bandwidth.

Now instead of using rectangular pulses, I use a raised cosine filter:

 hcos = rcosdesign(0, 30, R);
 x = upfirdn(sign(randn(1000,1)), hcos, R);

Now the eye diagram is significantly worse:

Eye Diagram raised cosine

I would expect the result to be significantly better. I played with all possible rolloff factors 0...1 and number of symbols. I also tried cutting the signal at beginning/end, thinking it may be the initial transient. No changes.

What is going on here?

(Additional info: I do not want to simulate TX/RX with raised cosine but assess a channel without having to use an equalizer - in simulation. One way to do this is using an equalizer or just using a pulse shape that works close to the theoretical bandwidth - that should be raised cosine with a low beta).

  • $\begingroup$ You can create a raised-cosine pulse (instead of root raised-cosine) by running rcosdesign(beta,30,R,normal). Can you also try setting the rolloff factor beta to 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75? Setting beta=0 means you're actually using a sinc pulse, which is notoriously difficult to get right since it requires a very long duration to maintain orthogonality, and this introduces numerical approximation errors. $\endgroup$
    – MBaz
    Commented Jul 21, 2017 at 14:44

1 Answer 1


That's because Matlab's rcosdesign creates a root-raised-cos filter, not a raised cos filter. If you want no ISI (ie meet Nyquist's criterion), you need to do the match filtering of the reception part :

alpha = 1;
R = 10;
hcos = rcosdesign(0.25, 30, R);
x = upfirdn(sign(randn(1000,1)), hcos, R);
y = upfirdn(x, hcos, 1, R);
eyediagram(x, 2*R);
hold on
eyediagram(y, 2*R);

eyediagram RRC

eye of x

eyediagram RC

eye of y

  • $\begingroup$ Very excited about your answer, thanks! However, it still does not work: When I change the shape to normal, the eye diagram looks the same as for rectangular pulses (but it should look way better/no ISI). Similarly if I add the filter in your code between the upfirdn lines. I want to assess a channel without using equalization/ISI and hence - for simulation - use the raised cosine shape. Would you be able to change your answer to include the filter (operating at sample rate, NOT the symbol rate) $\endgroup$
    – divB
    Commented Jul 21, 2017 at 16:57

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