Given a discrete-time (DT) sequence $g[n]$, I want to represent it as a continuous-time (CT) signal. I can do this by representing this sequence as a weighted sum of Dirac delta impulses. Would it make a difference if I pass the DT signal through a DT filter first and then represent it as a weighted sum of Dirac impulses or pass the CT signal through a CT filter. The two cases are as follows:
Case 1: DT sequence converted first to CT signal and passed through CT filter.
The DT signal can be represented as a CT signal as: $$g(t)=\sum_kg[k]\delta(t-kT)\tag{1}$$ If $g(t)$ in $(1)$ is the input to a continuous-time LTI system with impulse response $h(t)$, the output is given by $$y(t)=\int h(\tau)g(t-\tau)d\tau = \int h(\tau)\left(\sum_kg[k]\delta(t-\tau-kT)\right)d\tau$$ or $$y(t) =\sum_kg[k]\int h(\tau)\delta(t-\tau-kT) d\tau$$ or $$y(t) = \sum_kg[k]h(t-kT)\tag{2}$$
Case 2: DT sequence passed through DT filter and then converted first to CT signal.
The DT signal is passed through a DT filter $h[n] = h(nT)$ to obtain a DT signal $z[n]$: $$z[n]=\sum_kg[k]h[n-k]\tag{3}$$ This can be represented as a CT signal as $$z(t)=\sum_kz[k]\delta(t-kT)\tag{4}$$
Is $z(t)$ same as $y(t)$? Can I express one in terms of the other? Any help wuld be greatly appreciated? -ryan