I'm currently studying FIR filter and am having trouble understand how the following equation works, and it's implication.
$$ y[n] = h[n] * z^n = H(z) \cdot z^n $$
I don't really understand how this works given that
$$ y[n] = h[n] * x[n] $$ $$ Y(z) = H(z) \cdot X(z) $$
It seems to me that $ x[n] = X(z) = z^n $. What's going on here? What domain is $ z^n $ in?
I thought that convolution is done on two functions in the n-domain; however, in the equation $ y[n] = h[n] * z^n $, $ z^n $ does not appear to me to be in the n-domain.
If it is in the n-domain, then I don't understand how the other part works, $ y[n] = H(z) \cdot z^n $, because I thought that then it should be
$$ y[n] = Z^{-1}(\,H(z) \cdot Z(z^n)\,) $$
Edit: Here's the page from the book with the equation. It does seem to me that $z^n$ is used in both the time and frequency domain.