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17 votes
2 answers

How to recognize hexagonal tiling in boardgame?

I would like to recognize the boundaries of a hexagonal tiling in a photograph, like in image below: It seems to me, that a standard approach at a square grid is to first detect corners (e.g. canny)...
4 votes
2 answers

Detection periodic elements in image

I am working on a university project in which I need to find a periodic net element in an image. The net is a set of diagonal lines in a specific angle ( which I don't know in advance ) on a noisy ...
0 votes
0 answers

How can I create polygon estimates of each body part/limb that is present in an image which always contains one person?

Background I am working to identify and isolate each human limb of a known person, in pose, in an image which is relatively noisy. It should also be noted that the image is a snapshot extracted from ...
1 vote
0 answers

Automatic MRI Segmenation of Heart over Dicom Image [duplicate]

I have a bunch of short axis MRI images of the heart(Left Ventricle), in dicom format. I want to do a Automatic segmentation of various structures in these images. Does anyone know of a program I ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to detection of the boundary of the left ventricle [closed]

How to detection of the boundary of the left ventricle from MR images, the crucial step is to determine the region of interest (ROI) or the center point (CP) of the left ventricle. I just want to ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Morphology algorithm how it work for left ventricles dicom image [closed]

After so much search on google i find out few things hope so that correct for detecting Left ventricles of hearth and draw the Region of Interest(ROI) on MR Modality . Can you give me please more ...
7 votes
1 answer

White Road Sign Detection [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to extract traffic signs from a photograph? I am working on a project which involves detecting north american speed signs (black/white) using a 720p HD camera. My problem ...
0 votes
1 answer

Basic Algorithm for Image Classification

I have been trying to implement image classification by extracting facial features. I tried starting with some already established methods like Multi Kernel Approach, using Independent Component ...
0 votes
1 answer

Multithresholding- OTSU method

I'm trying to segment a specific part in a gray-scale image and I want to achieve this by applying the OSTU algorithm, but after using this function: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Image thresholding while retaining "underneath" contents

I have sample images, and I need to extract certain features that depend on color. Images are more like line art, contours, and consist of various line forms, and several colors. I can extract ...
6 votes
1 answer

Adaptive thresholding based on number of pixels

I'm thresholding an image where the threshold value is a count of the pixels such that for instance if the threshold value is 100, any color value which has less than a 100 pixels is classified black ...
4 votes
3 answers

Local Image Features Extraction for Road Signs

I'm working on a project to detect a road sign from the Image. Consider the sample image below: I'm using a heuristic search to detect the road sign within an image. Basically, I want some weak ...
1 vote
0 answers

Separating similiar object in an image

I have posted a question on Stackoverflow and was suggested to post here. Please refer this question for the images: Similar Question: I have used SURF Keypoints and a FLANN Based matcher and ...
0 votes
2 answers

Steps for recognizing hand written signs

What are the steps to built a system which recognizes hand written signs in an image and returns the most similar sign in Python? I know that depends on the image and many variables, but isn't there a ...
11 votes
2 answers

Segmentation of half transparent material, e.g. glass

I'm totally stuck on an issue regarding the segmentation of glassy objects. I need to get the object as precise as possible. My approaches were different. At first I tried to remove the background, so ...
7 votes
1 answer

Compare image segmentation approaches

I've got a question related to a comparison of image segmentation algorithms. I'd like to compare two algorithm results to each other in step one. In another step I'd like to compare the two ...
3 votes
3 answers

Split and Merge image segmentation algorithm in OpenCV

I asked google and I've tried to find something in the API of OpenCV, but hadn't any good hints on split and merge image segmentation method. I want to test it, if it's working better than my ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Classification of Objects from a video/Image ( human,animals,others(cars etc.,) )

Moved from here SO Link. Hi I am new to image processing field. My project is to classify the objects in an image/Video. The input is an image/video from surveillance camera. I should classify the ...
-1 votes
1 answer

finding textures on images

I want to detect textures on images, for example after proccessing on image must be shown areas of each texture and area where is no texture.And I want to compute "mean" texture of selected area. ...

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