
I read the defination of causal system i.e. the system whose output only depends on the present and past value of signal and not on the future. I want to know-

  • What is causal signal. Do causal system and signal implies same thing.
  • explain how a causal signal x(t) = 0, for t<0 and a non causal signal x(t) = 0, for t>0. Like what is the actual concept or analogy behind this.

1 Answer 1


What is causal signal.

A causal signal is zero for negative time/indexes, i.e. $x(t) = 0 \forall t < 0$

Do causal system and signal implies same thing.

No. Apples and oranges. Signals and Systems are different things and it's important to understand the difference. This being said you can state

  • The impulse response of a causal systems is a causal signal
  • If a causal signal is inputted into a causal system, the output will also be a causal signal

explain how a causal signal x(t) = 0, for t<0 and a non causal signal x(t) = 0, for t>0.

That's incorrect. The definitions are

  • Causal: $x(t) = 0 \forall t < 0$

  • Anti-causal: $x(t) = 0 \forall t > 0$

  • Non-causal: there are some non-zero values at both positive and negative times/indices

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ This needs to be on @PeterK's FAQ on meta.dsp.SE. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 12 at 13:21

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