When we compute the Discrete time Fourier series of a discrete time periodic signal , why don't we get the same number of negative complex exponentials and positive complex exponentials ? Even though the magnitude spectrum is periodic throughout , if you take just the fundamental period , why the magnitude graph is not symmetric with respect to y axis for some discrete time periodic signals ?
1 Answer
why don't we get the same number of negative complex exponentials and positive complex exponentials
But we do. We get an infinite number of positive and negative complex exponentials, i.e. $X[k]$ is well defined for all $k \in \mathbb{Z}$
the magnitude spectrum is periodic throughout
Exactly. Specifically
$$X[k] = X[k + mN] \forall m \in \mathbb{Z}$$
where $N$ is the DFT length.
why the magnitude graph is not symmetric with respect to y
But it is. It really depends on how you draw it. Since the DFT is periodic in $N$, any $N$ consecutive values will completely describe the entire DFT. The choice of which $N$ points to use is somewhat arbitrary and you can choose whatever suits your specific application best. The "fundamental period" simply chooses $[0,N-1]$ but you can also do $[-N/2,N/2-1]$, $[-3,N-4]$, etc. There is nothing "fundamental" about the so called fundamental period. It's just a convention that's convenient in some cases and less so in others. You don't have to stick with it, if it's not a good choice for your task.