The Fourier transform of a real-valued function $s(t)$ is a conjugate symmetric function $S(f)$ of frequency $f$.
It is an engineering wish to use as little bandwidth, that is, to have the smallest possible support for $S(f)$, to transport the information in $s(t)$. (you might have noticed what you're reading is mostly from a communications engineering context – and having less support for any particular $S$ means we can put more information into the same bandwidth; and getting information across is the goal of communications engineering.)
The problem here is that a symmetrical $S$ implies that we're redundant; we could completely omit the negative half of the spectrum (that is, let $\tilde S(f) := \begin{cases} 2S(f) & f> 0\\S(f) & f=0 \\ 0 &f<0\end{cases}$) and not lose any information (whoever observes that $\tilde S$ can just "mirror" the positive frequencies to reconstruct the original $S$).
The Hilbert Transform $\mathscr H$ is an operator mapping functions to functions, both of a single real variable:
$$\mathscr H(u)(t):\quad(u:\mathbb R\mapsto \mathbb C) \mapsto (H(u):\mathbb R\mapsto \mathbb C),$$
such that
$$ s(t) + \mathscr H(s)(t) = \tilde s(t),$$
where $\tilde s(t)$ is the inverse Fourier transform of the $\tilde S(f)$ above. We call it the analytic signal.
In other words, what the Hilbert transform does, is to map $s$ to exactly that complex-valued function that "erases" the negative frequency content from $s$ when added to it.
How would you compute it? That really depends. Usually, you don't. It's a mathematically illustrative tool to show that we can convert any real-valued signal to a complex-valued signal that contains only positive frequencies, and you care about that, not about the Hilbert transform itself.
There's actually an explicit notation for the Hilbert transform, but it will require you to find the Cauchy principal value of an integral which usually involves at least one application of the Residue Theorem; not sure it's any more explicit saying "it's the thing that swaps the sign of the negative half of the frequency-space function", to be honest; anyways, it formally reads
$$\mathscr H(u)(t) = \frac1\pi \overline{\int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}} \frac{u(v)}{t-v}\, \mathrm dv,$$
with $\overline{\int\limits_\cdot^\cdot}$ should be read as "the Cauchy principal value of this integral". You'll notice the singularity for $v=t$ in the integrand.
Technically, as alluded to, the actual Hilbert transform is never actually computed in application; you'd either help yourself to an approximation of the analytic signal simply by applying a complex high-pass filter that erases negative frequencies (which sadly isn't a nice system and comes with a bunch of hairy properties), or you combine finding the analytic signal with a frequency shift (i.e., what would be a multiplication with $e^{\sqrt{-1}\Delta_\omega t}$ of $\tilde s(t)$), to a quadrature mixer.