The spectrum of a single chirps is fairly straight forward. It should roughly be 1 between the start end and end frequency of the chirp and 0 everywhere else. On top of that there are some wiggle caused by finite length, windowing, boundary effects, etc. That's exactly what you see.
I assume by "chirp train" you mean a periodic repetition of a single chirp. Periodic repetition can be written as convolution with a pulse train
$$y_p[n] = \sum_k x[n]*\delta[n-kM] \tag{1}$$
where $*$ is the convolution operator and $M$ the period. Now the Fourier Transform of a pulse train is also a pulse train and convolution on the time domain is multiplication in the frequency domain.
Roughly speaking the periodic repetition in time samples the spectrum at integer multiples the repetition rate. Intuitively this makes sense since all periodic functions do have a discrete line spectrum.
The exact shape depends a lot on the specific details (length, spacing, number of repetitions etc.)