I have a Gaussian pulse $E(\omega)$ centered at 500 PHz with a bandwidth of 10 PHz. The pulse is transform limited initially.
I am trying to add chirp, through multiplying the FT of $E(\omega)$ by a quadratic phase factor given as
$$E(t)_{chirp} = E(t)\cdot\text{exp}(-ibt^2)$$
however, the exponential factor never seems to change the electric field?
def gaussian(x, mu, sig):
return np.exp(-np.power(x - mu, 2.) / (2 * np.power(sig, 2.)))
# frequency in Hz
freq = np.linspace(0,2000*10**12,1000)
dt = np.diff(freq)[0]
wl = (3*10**8)/freq;
band = len(freq)
I_stokes = gaussian(freq,500*10**12,10*10**12)
phase = freq*0
E_stokes = np.sqrt(I_stokes)*np.exp(+1j*phase)
n = len(E_stokes)
Fs = np.diff(freq)[0]
t = np.arange(0, n/Fs, 1/Fs)
Et = fftshift(ifft(E_stokes))
Phi = 1
E2t = Et**2
E2 = (fft(E2t))
I = E2t*np.exp((-1j*((t)**2)/2*Phi))
p = np.angle(I)
plt.plot(np.unwrap(np.angle(I))- np.unwrap(np.angle(E2t)))
Here is the difference between the angles of I and E2t: