I'm trying to replicate in python the exponential chirp (here) but I cannot understand well the t and T in the formulas; here is what I wrote, but it is surely wrong, please could you help me?
timeLength = 6 # seconds
fs = 44100
t = np.arange(0, timeLength, 1.0/fs)
# EXPCHIRP -----------------------------------------
t1 = np.arange(1, timeLength+1, 1.0/fs)
A = np.e**-t
f0 = 2000.0 # Hz
f1 = 10000.0
k = (f1/f0)*(1/t1)
phi0 = np.pi / 2 # phase, radiants. # sampling rate
s0 = A * np.sin(phi0 + 2*np.pi*f0*((k-1)/np.log(k)))
UPDATE: Thank you, I made also another solution but it is an equivalent way to produce this; I like also your method, thank you for the explanation!!
timeLength = 6.0 # seconds
fs = 44100
t = np.arange(0, timeLength, 1.0/fs)
ww = get_window("hamming", t.size)
# Real Sinusoid: EXPCHIRP 0 -----------------------------------------
A = np.e**-t # Or np.arange(.8, .0, -.8/t.size)
f0 = 200.0 # Hz
f1 = 1000.0
k = np.power((f1/f0),1/timeLength)
phi0 = np.pi / 2 # phase, radiants. # sampling rate
s0 = A * np.sin(phi0 + 2*np.pi*f0*((np.power(k,t)-1)/np.log(k))) # time function, sinusoid.