How can someone construct a causal impulse response, from the gain and phase frequency response?
You can't. The gain and phase frequency response together fully specify the time-domain impulse response. This is because the Fourier transform is fully invertible. I.e., a filter's gain and phase response are the amplitude and angle of its frequency response $H(\omega)$; it's frequency response is the Fourier transform of it's impulse response $h(\tau)$.
H(\omega) &= \mathcal F \{h(\tau)\} \\
h(\tau) &= \mathcal F^{-1} \{H(\omega)\}
Both the Fourier transform ($X(\omega) = \mathcal F \{x(t)\}$) and the inverse Fourier transform ($x(t) = \mathcal F^{-1} \{X(\omega)\}$) are 1:1 mappings between the time domain and the frequency domain. So a fully-specified $H(\omega)$ implies a fully-specified $h(\tau)$ - and visa versa.
How can one modify the modeling of the system such that the output signal is causal?
In the case you've given -- you can't, really. You've chosen a "brick wall" filter, which you cannot make a causal version of (or you can in theory, but you can't in practice).
Filter design is a good part of the art of signal processing, because coming up with realizable filters that do what you want and don't break the bank is hard. This applies to both digital signal processing, and to analog electronics design. So it's not something that can be easily summarized in one StackExchange answer.
Typically, though, you choose a desired filter response, be sure to include "don't care" regions, with the knowledge that the narrower you make the "don't cares" the more expensive your filter is going to be, then you either fit one of the standard filters (Butterworth, Tchebychev, Elliptical, etc.) to it, or you use one of the known filter design algorithms to make you a filter. Then you review the result to see if it's good enough and realizable. Then you actually build it and find out if your "cheap and realizable" hypothesis was correct.
In the case of your amplifier, since it's an actual electronic circuit, it may be best to just assume a common filter type (see above) and use one of those frequency responses. Note that an amplifier with the specifications you give will almost certainly have two filters: a simple high-pass filter with a lower cutoff at 10kHz, that may even be one pole (i.e. $H_{hp}(\omega) = \frac{s}{s + \omega_0}$, with $\omega_0 < 2 \pi 10^{4} \mathrm{Hz}$), and a low-pass filter with a cutoff around 2GHz that will almost certainly not be a nice tidy Butterworth, Tchebychev, etc., because it may well be realized with non-lumped circuit elements, and because the circuit designer may not be driven by the same implied requirements as you.
In the absence of documentation, I'd take the amplifier, hook it up to a really fast signal generator and a really fast oscilloscope, and just measure the response to a pulse.