I'd like to know if there is some general Fourier transform or other signal processing algorithm, such as a discrete wavelet transform, that is rotation equivariant.
Rotational equivariance of a function means that $g:\mathbb R^{n\times n}\to \mathbb R^{n\times n}$ means that if $R$ is a rotation, then $g(RX) = Rg(X)$ - that is, rotating the input to the function is the same as rotating the output of the function applied to the unrotated input.
The reason I would like to have a transform $\mathcal F$ that is equivariant is so that I can apply an equivariant function $g$ in the frequency domain before transforming back using $\mathcal F^{-1}$ have have the whole process be equivariant - that is:
$$\mathcal F ^{-1}\circ g\circ \mathcal F \circ RX = R\circ \mathcal F ^{-1}\circ g\circ \mathcal F X$$
The closest I have gotten so far is by padding $X$, as described in this post. I demonstrate that this roughly works on a small "image" below, but the amount of padding required for larger images becomes intractable.
import numpy as np
# generate some random data
X = np.random.normal(size=(3, 3))
array([[ 1.62, -0.61, -0.53],
[-1.07, 0.87, -2.3 ],
[ 1.74, -0.76, 0.32]])
# rotate X 90 degrees
X_rt = np.rot90(X)
array([[-0.53, -2.3 , 0.32],
[-0.61, 0.87, -0.76],
[ 1.62, -1.07, 1.74]])
# calculate the transform of X and the transform of rotated X
F = np.fft.fft2(X)
array([[-0.72+0.j , 3.81-1.73j, 3.81+1.73j],
[ 1.09+3.3j , -1.8 +2.99j, 4.57+1.03j],
[ 1.09-3.3j , 4.57-1.03j, -1.8 -2.99j]])
F_rt = np.fft.fft2(X_rt)
array([[-0.72+0.j , 1.09+3.3j , 1.09-3.3j ],
[-3.4 +2.43j, -3.18+3.44j, 3.48-0.06j],
[-3.4 -2.43j, 3.48+0.06j, -3.18-3.44j]])
# if transform was rotation equivariant, then this would be the zero matrix:
(np.rot90(F) - F_rt).round(2)
array([[ 4.53+1.73j, 3.49-2.27j, -2.88+0.32j],
[ 7.21-4.16j, 1.39-0.46j, 1.09-0.97j],
[ 2.68+2.43j, -2.4 +3.24j, 4.27+0.14j]])
# pad X and repeat
pad = 500
X = np.pad(X, pad_width=pad)
# rotate X 90 degrees
X_rt = np.rot90(X)
# calculate the transform of X and the rotated transform of X
F = np.fft.fft2(X)
F_rt = np.fft.fft2(X_rt)
# remove padding
F = F[pad:-pad, pad:-pad]
F_rt = F_rt[pad:-pad, pad:-pad]
# approximately equivariant
(np.rot90(F) - F_rt).round(2)
array([[-0.-0.04j, 0.+0.04j, -0.-0.04j],
[-0.-0.01j, 0.+0.01j, 0.-0.01j],
[ 0.+0.07j, -0.-0.07j, 0.+0.07j]])
is not rotation equivariant in the frequency domain. $\endgroup$