I am using MATLAB for this question so hopefully you can help me out.
I am trying to compute the Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD) of a sinusoidal signal defined as \begin{equation} x(t) = e^{-i\omega_0 t} e^{i\phi(t)}, \end{equation} where $\omega_0$ is the central frequency (rad/s) and $\phi(t)$ is a Brownian phase noise function, defined as a random walk $\phi(t) = \sqrt{\Delta\Omega}W(t)$ and $W(t)$ is a Wiener process $W(t)\sim \sqrt{|t|} N(0,1)$. The parameter $\Delta\Omega$ represents the linewidth of my laser. The idea is that I can compute the auto-correlation function of $x(t)$ \begin{equation} r_x(t+\tau/2,t-\tau/2) = E\left[x(t+\tau/2)x^*(t-\tau/2)\right] = e^{-i\omega_0 \tau} e^{-\Delta\Omega |\tau|/2 }, \end{equation} where $E[\cdot]$ is the expectation operator or ensemble average. Once I compute this, I can then compute the average Wigner-Ville Distribution using \begin{equation} E[W(t,\omega)] = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} r_x(t+\tau/2,t-\tau/2)e^{i\omega \tau}\ d\tau, \end{equation} Or essentially as the "Fourier transform" of the function $r_x$. This gives me the analytic formula \begin{equation} E[W(t,\omega)] = 2\frac{\Delta\Omega/2}{(\Delta\Omega/2)^2 + (\omega-\omega_0)^2}. \end{equation}
I can then compute the power spectral density (PSD) of $x(t)$ by integrating $E[W(t,\omega)]$ over $t$.
The problem now comes in when I try to replicate this result numerically, that is simulating $N$ random walks for $\phi(t)$, and creating a matrix $X$ which contains the signal on a time domain $t\in [0,T]$ for each of those random walks. I haven't been able to find any MATLAB functions that can compute the autocorrelation function $r_x$ for me, so instead I am trying to use the built-in function wvd() (Wigner-Ville distribution) directly on each of my $x$ simulations contained in the matrix $X$. The problem is that the result I get from the wvd()
function has a different line-width in frequency space than the analytic (in fact the line-width of my function should be exactly $\Delta\Omega$, or simply $\Delta\nu = \Delta\Omega/2\pi$ when plotted on $f$ (Hz)), but that is not the case here (see plot below):
Does anyone know why this happens? Here is my MATLAB code:
%% --- INPUTS --- %%
% User-defined parameters
T = 20e-9; % Time duraction of signal (s)
f0 = 200e12; % Laser center frequency (Hz)
A = 1; % Laser amplitude
FWHM = T/5; % Full-Width at Half Maximum of Gaussian pulse
Nt = 1001; % Sample points in time
Nf = Nt; % Sample points in frequency
N_MC = 20; % Monte Carlo Simulations
dNu = 30e6; % Laser linewidth (Hz)
% Calculated parameters
w0 = 2*pi*f0;
dOm = 2*pi*dNu;
t = linspace(0,T,Nt);
dt = t(2)-t(1);
a = 4*log(2)/FWHM^2;
t0 = T/3;
df = 1/dt/Nf;
% f = f0 + df.*linspace(-Nf/2,Nf/2,Nf); % shift array to center f
% w = 2*pi*f;
% Signal
phi = @(t) sqrt(dOm)*cumsum(sqrt(dt)*randn(size(t))); % phase noise
x = @(t) exp(-1i*w0*t).*exp(1i*phi(t));
%% --- Analytic --- %%
% Signal properties
r_x = @(tau) A*exp(-1i*w0*tau).*exp(-dOm/2*abs(tau));
PSD_analytic = @(f) A*dOm./((dOm/2)^2 + 4*pi^2*(f-f0).^2);
% Phase properties
phi_var_analytic = @(t,dOm) dOm*abs(t);
phi_mgf_analytic = @(t,dOm) exp(-1/2*dOm*abs(t));
%% --- Numeric --- %%
% Phase properties
Tmatrix = columnVector(t).*ones(Nt,N_MC);
phi0 = phi(Tmatrix);
phi_var = mean( phi0.^2, 2) - mean(phi0,2).^2;
phi_mgf = mean( exp(1i*phi0), 2);
% Signal properties
x_samples = x(Tmatrix);
[f,Spectrum,PSD,comp_time] = WVS(t,x_samples,f0);
disp(['Computation time = ' num2str(comp_time/60) ' min']);
%% --- Plots --- %%
close all;
FS = '\fontname{Palatino} ';
fontS = 18;
colors = {'red','black'};
LW = 2;
factor0 = 50;
f00 = f0/1e12;
fmin0 = min(f)/1e12;
fmax0 = max(f)/1e12;
dfmax = (fmax0-fmin0)/2;
fmin = f00 - dfmax/factor0;
fmax = f00 + dfmax/factor0;
% ---> Phase Plots
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
hold on;
hold off;
legend boxoff; legend([FS 'Analytic'], [FS 'Numeric']);
axis tight;
xlabel([FS 't (ns)']);
ylabel([FS '\langle' '\phi^2(t)\rangle (rad^2/s^2)']);
title([FS 'Variance in the phase']);
hold on;
'LineStyle','none','LineWidth',LW+1); hold off;
legend boxoff; legend([FS 'Analytic'], [FS 'Numeric']);
axis tight;
xlabel([FS 't (ns)']);
ylabel([FS '\langle' 'e^{i\phi(t)}\rangle']);
title([FS 'MGF of the phase']);
% ---> Spectral Plots (Normalized)
'LineWidth',LW); hold on;
'LineStyle','none','LineWidth',LW+1); hold off;
legend boxoff; legend([FS 'Analytic'], [FS 'Numeric']);
axis tight;
xlabel([FS 'f (THz)']);
ylabel([FS '\langle' '|X(f)|^2' '\rangle (normalized units)']);
title([FS 'PSD (linear scale)']);
colors{1},'LineWidth',LW); hold on;
'LineStyle','none','LineWidth',LW+1); hold off;
legend boxoff; legend([FS 'Analytic'], [FS 'Numeric']);
axis tight;
xlabel([FS 'f (THz)']);
ylabel([FS '\langle' '|X(f)|^2' '\rangle (normalized units)']);
title([FS 'PSD (dB scale)']);
%% --- Functions --- %%
function [freq,Spectrum,PSD,comp_time] = WVS(t_array,x_array,f0)
% Ensembled Averaged Wigner-Ville Distribution
% x_array: each column is a single ensemble of the random signal x(t)
N = length(t_array);
dt = abs(t_array(2)-t_array(1));
fs = 1/dt;
[~,N_MC] = size(x_array);
W = 0;
for n = 1:N_MC % Do ensemble averaging over multiple Monte Carlo samples
[W0,f,~] = wvd(ifftshift(x_array(:,n)),fs);
Nf = length(f);
df = 1/dt/Nf;
W = W + dt*W0;
if rem(n,10)==0
freq = f0 + f - max(f)/2;
Spectrum = abs(fftshift(W/N_MC));
PSD = dt*trapz(Spectrum,2);
comp_time = toc;
function output = columnVector(input_vector)
[sx,sy] = size(input_vector);
if sx < sy
output = input_vector.';
output = input_vector;
PS: I know that my function $x(t)$ in this case is stationary (since $r_x$ depends only on $\tau=t-t'$ and not on two separate times $(t,t')$; and so I could calculate the PSD using the Wiener-Khinchin theorem, but I want to use the WVD instead so that my code can be generalized for non-stationary functions $x(t)$ (e.g. such as Gaussian pulses)
EDIT: I have changed my definition of phi(t) in the code so that it now is computed as a random walk with \begin{equation} \phi(t+\Delta t) = \phi(t) + \sqrt{\Delta\Omega}\sqrt{\Delta t}N(0,1), \end{equation} but this still does not solve the problem of the numerical PSD being a lot wider than the analytic PSD, and I can't figure out why