I am working on tracking a vehicle under tunnel when GPS is lost. Whenever the vehicle in on the road, the GPS works fine and gives good accuracy but when the vehicle is under tunnel, the GPS is lost and its difficult to track vehicle. This is where i have decided to use kalman filtering. I have a 9 axis IMU sensor(accelerometer,gyro,magnetometer) and speed value from Candata and would like to predict the location using kalman So far, this is wat i have done
1. Px(t+1) = Px + delta_t * vx + 0.5 * ax * delta_t 2
2. Py(t+1) = Py + delta_t * vy + 0.5 * ay * delta_t 2
3. Vx(t+1) = Vx + ax * delta_t
4. Vy(t+1) = Vy + ay * delta_t
where px,py are my positions and vx and vy are my velocities this is my statemodel my input is the abs acceleration in x and y direction calculated from 9 axis IMU using all 3 sensors. and in my update step i use the gps value i received. So my question here is, where do i use my speed value? Is accelerometer enough?