I need to know the response of Butterworth filter in time domain of the following input (at least numerically): $$ x(t) = \theta(t)(1-\exp\{-at\})\exp\{-bt\}, \quad a,b>0,\quad a\gg b $$ In order to find the response I decided to find the transfer of Butterworth filter in time domain and then convolve it with $x(t)$ numerically. But the result I've got doesn't seem to be correct. Here how it went.
Transfer function in $s$-domain
Transfer function of Butterworth filter is the following: $$ H(s) = \prod_{k=1}^{n}\frac{1}{(s-s_{k})}, \quad s_{k} = \omega_{c}e^{i\frac{2k+n-1}{2n}\pi} $$ So in order to find transfer function in time domain I used this equality: $$ h(t) = \sum_{s_{k}}\mathrm{res}H(s_k)\exp\{s_k t\} $$
Transfer function in $t$-domain
First of all, I found that $\Im{h(t)} = 0$ i.e. it is real. I used this fact as a cross check. I wrote the code that calculates $h(t)$ using complex numbers. I found the following result: The question is : could somebody verify if it looks right? I haven't found any pictures of the Butterworth transfer function in time domain.
I could post the code I used to produce those results, but keep in mind it is based on ROOT CERN. You can see the code and tests here.
I have performed one more test: calculation of the magnitude of the frequency response of Butterworth filter of the order $n=3$ and cut frequency $\omega_{c}=2$ rad/s. The result is perfect: