I'd like to reproduce results from this paper in which the authors used Group Delay-grams as an input to the Machine Learning model. The Machine Learning side is not the one that I have problems with. I have a problem with computing a Group Delay function of an audio file.
To begin with, I know that a group delay per se is a property of the filter. Authors of the paper, however, wrote something like this
Group delay [10] is defined as the negative derivative of the phase spectrum of STFT: $$\tau(\omega,t)=-\frac{d(\theta(\omega,t))}{d\omega}\quad(2)$$ As the implementation of Equation (2) requires the unwrap- ping of the phase spectrum, the group delay function can be alternatively calculated using only the amplitude values: $$\tau(\omega,t)=\frac{X_{R}(\omega,t)Y_{R}(\omega,t)+Y_{I}(\omega,t)X_{I}(\omega,t)}{|X(\omega,t)|^2}\quad(3)$$ where $R$ and $I$ denote the real and imaginary parts. $X(\omega,t)$ and $Y(\omega,t)$ denote the STFT of $x(n)$ and $nx(n)$, respectively.
This, I believe, is supposed to generate an image like in Fig. 3 in the paper, which looks like this (after either truncating or padding to the length of 256 along the time axis)
The problem is that when I try to compute this GD-gram from the equation above, the matrices multiplication cannot be done since both $X$ and $Y$ are non-symmetric. This is the original paper, that is referenced in both this paper and [10], where the authors are deriving the equation (3).
As I understood, the matrices multiplication is a standard one, not element-wise (element-wise multiplication doesn't produce the result that is in the paper). In my implementation below I'm using a window of length 800 samples since the authors of the paper use 50 ms window, which corresponds to 800 samples for 16 kHz sampling rate audio file. I tried to implement that in python as follows:
from scipy.io import wavfile
from scipy.signal import stft, get_window
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rate, data = wavfile.read("test.wav")
n_data = np.multiply(data, np.arange(len(data)))
f, t, X = stft(data, rate, window="hamming", nperseg=800, return_onesided=False)
f_n, t_n, Y = stft(n_data, rate, window="hamming", nperseg=800, return_onesided=False)
group_delay = (np.dot(X.real, Y.real) + np.dot(Y.imag, X.imag)) / np.power(np.abs(X), 2)
but the code fails with
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-0058b9785caf> in <module>
----> 1 group_delay = (np.dot(X.real, Y.real) + np.dot(Y.imag, X.imag)) / np.power(np.abs(X), 2)
ValueError: shapes (800,109) and (800,109) not aligned: 109 (dim 1) != 800 (dim 0)
which is rather obvious. I tried to implement that in Matlab as well, hoping that maybe it's a python fault but it fails as well.
[x,fs] = audioread('test.wav');
n_x = x .* [1:size(x,1)];
X = spectrogram(x, 800, 400, 2048, fs);
Y = spectrogram(n_x, 800, 400, 2048, fs);
T = (real(X) * real(Y) + imag(Y) * imag(X)) / abs(X)^2;
How can I compute the Group Delay function using mentioned equation