Okay, as an addendum to my other answer (that no one liked), here is a little bit more formal answer:
Let your serial bit stream be $a[n] \ \in \{$0, 1
$\}$ and the discrete-time bipolar binary signal be
x[n] &\triangleq -1 + 2 a[n] \quad \in \{-1, 1 \} \\
&= -(-1)^{a[n]} \\
So it's the negative of the other bipolar binary convention of $x[n] \triangleq (-1)^{a[n]} $ which some folks like to use.
The modulated IQ signal is:
s(t) &= \Re\Big\{ (i[n] + j q[n]) \, e^{j 2 \pi f_\text{c} t} \Big\} \\
& = i[n] \cos(2 \pi f_\text{c} t) - q[n] \sin(2 \pi f_\text{c} t) \\
where $f_\text{c}$ is the carrier frequency and
$$ n = \Big\lfloor \tfrac{t}{T} \Big\rfloor = \operatorname{floor}\Big(\tfrac{t}{T} \Big) \ .$$
$T$ is the bit period and $\frac{1}{T}$ is the baud rate or bps (bits per second).
Now before I defined the in-phase, $i[n]$, and quadrature, $q[n]$ signals as:
i[n] \ &= \ g[n] x[n] \ + \ (1-g[n]) x[n-1] \\
q[n] \ &= \ (1-g[n]) x[n] \ + \ g[n] x[n-1] \\
where $g[n]$ is an even/odd gating signal defined as
$$ g[n] \triangleq \tfrac{1}{2}\left( 1 + (-1)^n \right) $$
$$ 1-g[n] = \tfrac{1}{2}\left( 1 - (-1)^n \right) $$
(Note that for $n$ even, $g[n]=1$ and only $i[n]$ can change, while for $n$ odd, $g[n]=0$ and only $q[n]$ can change. The bit rates for $i[n]$ and $q[n]$ is half the bit rate for $x[n]$.)
But let's do that a little differently this time and define $i[n]$ and $q[n]$ more generally.
i[n] &= \sum\limits_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} x[2m] \, p[n-2m] \\
q[n] &= \sum\limits_{m=-\infty}^{\infty} x[2m+1] \, p[n-(2m+1)] \\
Here $p[n]$ is our bandlimited pulse shape. For $i[n]$ only even-indexed samples of $x[n]$ are used and for $q[n]$ only odd-indexed samples are used. This means that the effective baud rate for $i[n]$ and $q[n]$ is half of the bit rate for $a[n]$ or the bipolar $x[n]$. So only half of the bandwidth is needed for $i[n]$ and $q[n]$.
Now above (and previously) I was defining the pulse shape to be:
$$ p[n] = \begin{cases}
0 \qquad & n < 0 \\
1 \qquad & 0 \le n < 2 \\
0 \qquad & 2 \le n \\
\end{cases} $$
Note the pulse width is $2T$, two bit widths, wide. So it would occupy half of the bandwidth than a similarly shaped pulse that is one bit width wide.
So try this for a pulse shape:
$$ p[n] = \operatorname{sinc}\left( \tfrac{n}{2} \right) $$
$$ \operatorname{sinc}(u) \triangleq \begin{cases}
\frac{\sin(\pi u)}{\pi u} \qquad & u \ne 0 \\
1 & u = 0 \\
This will result in a bandwidth of half of the bandwidth necessary for a baud rate of $\tfrac{1}{T}$. And it's a flat (brickwall) bandwidth, emphasizing or de-emphasizing no frequencies (within the bandwidth) over any others.
Note that for $i[n]$ or $i[2m]$, because none of the other even-indexed samples will contribute to the value of $i[n]$ at the even index of $n=2m$.
For $q[n]$ or $q[2m+1]$, none of the other odd-indexed samples will contribute to the value of $q[n]$ at the odd index of $n=2m+1$. So there is no inter-symbol interference and these are strictly bandlimited pulses.
Now that $\operatorname{sinc}(\cdot)$ function goes on forever, which means that the you'll have to add an infinite number of non-zero terms in the summations for $i[n]$ and $q[n]$ above, so you'll have to window it with a window function, $w[n]$, of non-zero width $M+1$:
$$ p[n] = \operatorname{sinc}\left( \tfrac{n}{2} \right) w[n] $$
This changes the summations for $i[n]$ and $q[n]$ to be finite:
i[n] &= \sum\limits_{m=\lfloor n/2-M/4 \rfloor}^{\lfloor n/2+M/4 \rfloor} x[2m] \, \operatorname{sinc}\left( \tfrac{n-2m}{2} \right) w[n-2m] \\
q[n] &= \sum\limits_{m=\lfloor (n-1)/2-M/4 \rfloor}^{\lfloor (n-1)/2+M/4 \rfloor} x[2m+1] \, \operatorname{sinc}\left( \tfrac{n-(2m+1)}{2} \right) w[n-(2m+1)] \\
You could define the window function as a Hamming window:
$$ w[n] \triangleq \begin{cases}
\tfrac{27}{50} + \tfrac{23}{50} \cos\left(2\pi \tfrac{n}{M}\right) \quad \quad & |n| \le \tfrac{M}{2} \\
0 & |n| > \tfrac{M}{2} \\
\end{cases} $$
but I would suggest a Kaiser window:
$$ w[n] \triangleq \begin{cases}
\frac{1}{J_0(\beta)} J_0\left(\beta \sqrt{1 - \left(\frac{n}{1+M/2}\right)^2} \right) \quad \quad & |n| \le \tfrac{M}{2} \\
0 & |n| > \tfrac{M}{2} \\
\end{cases} $$
$J_0(\cdot)$ is the 0th-order modified Bessel function of the first kind.
$$ J_0(u) = 1 \ + \ \sum\limits_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(k!)^2} \left(-\frac{u^2}{4}\right)^{k} $$
$M+1$ is the number of non-zero samples or FIR taps. $\beta$ is a "shape parameter" and O&S recommend this heuristic:
$$ \beta = \begin{cases} 0.1102 \cdot (A-8.7) & A>50 \\
0.5842 \cdot (A-21)^{2/5} + 0.07886 \cdot (A-21) \quad & 21 < A \le 50 \\
0.0 & A \le 21 \\
$$ M = 2 \left\lceil \frac{A-8}{4.57 \cdot \Delta\omega} \right\rceil - 1 $$
$A$ is the desired stopband attention in dB and $\Delta\omega$ is the desired width of the transition band in normalized angular frequency. $\lceil \cdot \rceil$ is the ceiling function (i.e. "round up").