A Linear Time-Invariant system with impulse response $h_1[n]$ is an ideal lowpass filter with cutoff frequency $\omega_c =\pi/2$. The frequency response of the system is $H_1\left(e^{j\omega}\right)$. Suppose a new LTI system with impulse response $h_2[n]$ is obtained from $h_1[n]$ by $h_2[n] = (-1)^n\cdot h_1[n]$. Sketch the frequency response $H_2\left(e^{j\omega}\right)$.
In this problem I know what a lowpass filter looks like in frequency domain but I don't know what $(-1)^n$ is. If I could just get some help with that, I could then convolve the two to get the frequency response. Or should I find the lowpass filter in time domain multiply it by $(-1)^n$ and then find its frequency response? Either way I would still need to know what to do with the $(-1)^n$.
Ok, so now I know that $H_1\left(e^{j\omega}\right)$ has a magnitude of $1$ and $0$ phase when $\omega <\omega_c$ and $0$ when $\omega>\omega_c$ and that $(-1)^n$ has a DTFT of: $$\frac{2}{1-e^{-j\omega}}$$ because $(-1)^n$ is not causal.
I then multiply the two and I get the same system as $h_1[n]$ but shifted by $1$ radian and its magnitude doubled? I am not totally sure, can someone please help?