I'm studying a project.
My signal is audio 8KHz Mono, 8 bits in Low frequencies 70Hz until 1200Hz.
When I perform the calculus with the transition band is very narrow (Transition Frequency) my Order results are (according to proposed window):
For this Example the worst case:
DeltaFrequency = 1.060180596543088 Hz
dNormalizedDeltaFreq= 1.060180596543088/8000
How is calculated the Order? My Answer is below, check the PD!
- Rectangular: 6793
- Hamming:24903
- Hanning:23393
- Kaiser:27353
- Blackman:41503
If I try to use 16KHz, before orders will be doubled!
Then, I want to use Hardware only to perform the filtering FIR process, and I'm worry about of Time needed to perform this functionalities.
Reduce Sampling Frequency is not optional, I need to deal with 1200Hz signals too!
PD: (This is not question!)
if (windowType.toLowerCase().equals("rectangular")) {
Size = (int)Math.ceil(0.9/dNormalizedDeltaFreq);
if (windowType.toLowerCase().equals("hamming")) {
Size = (int)Math.ceil(3.3/dNormalizedDeltaFreq);
if (windowType.toLowerCase().equals("hanning")) {
Size = (int)Math.ceil(3.1/dNormalizedDeltaFreq);
if (windowType.toLowerCase().equals("kaiser")) {
// Mitra's book Handbook for Digital Signal Processing quotes Kaiser with a
// simple estimate: N = [-20*log10(sqrt(dp*ds)) - 13]/[14.6(ws - wp)/2pi]
double Att = 60.0;
Size = (int)Math.ceil((Att - 7.95)/(14.36*dNormalizedDeltaFreq));
if (windowType.toLowerCase().equals("blackman")) {
Size = (int)Math.ceil(5.5/dNormalizedDeltaFreq);
QUESTION 1: it is feasible to use a FIR filter of this Order?
QUESTION 2: Which single device (hardware) help me perform this function?
QUESTION 3: How could be calculated the delay time?