I am trying to create short seamless loops of continuous sound.
I recorded myself making an "Aaaaah" sound at 44.1 KHz, and cut this recording to a section containing 4096 samples (giving me slightly under 1/10th of a second of audio).
When I play this in a loop, the sound is very much recognizable but there is of course an audible ticking noise at the point where it is cut.
I applied an FFT transform to this data. When I apply an inverse FFT to the Fourier tables to recreate the signal, the defect is of course still audible.
Is there anything I can do to the Fourier tables to eliminate the defect without changing the other audible properties of the recording? I'm very much uneducated in signal processing, but intuitively I feel that since the ticking sound repeats once per loop, it might be possible to work in the frequency domain to achieve my goal of cleaning it up to produce a seamless continuous sound.
Note: In case there are Javascript programmers here, I created a CodePen here with the "Aaah" loop and its conversion to and from Fourier tables, to facilitate experimentation in code.