I have found the definition of the following formulas in a paper regarding active vibration control, where they are called sine and cosine modulated integrals.
$y$ is measurement signal with a strong periodic component of frequency $N\Omega$
where $\phi=\Omega t$.
From these the vector $y_N^{(i)}$ is defined as $y_N^{(i)} = \begin{bmatrix} y_{Nc}^{(1)}\\ y_{Ns}^{(1)}\\\vdots\end{bmatrix}$
The same is done for the control input(s) $u$. Then a quadratic cost function to be minimized at each step is defined using these newly introduced signals in this way:
$J(k) = y^T_NQy_N+u^T_NRu_N $ where $Q$ and $R$ are just two weighing matrices.
Are they introduced to consider the sine and cosine components at the considered frequency of the signal?
Can someone explain their meaning and why are they introduced?
Another question: suppose I have the value $y_N$, how can I invert the relationship to get $y^{(i)}$?
Here is the link for the paper.