I am learning Fourier analysis and without any teacher, just trying to read books on my own. I think I have made some decent progress but they are a couple of points which are still very unclear to me and that I can't find explained in any of the books I have.
One of the sources that I found in this document, which is great because it teaches DFT without really using complex numbers. I shall say that I understand complex numbers and I am aware of Euler's Formula.
So what they say in this PDF/document is that in fact, in the simple case you can create a DFT by just using $N/2$ coefficients. I thought the choice of $N/2$ was related to the Nyquist frequency. If the signal contains $N$ samples then the Nyquist sampling theorem says that the signal can't contain a wave whose frequency is higher than half of the sampling frequency (hence the $N/2$ harmonics in the DFT).
So to me, explained that way everything made a lot of sense and in the simplest case you just needed to do something like this:
\begin{align} a[k] &= \sum_{x = 0}^{N-1} s[x] \cos\left(2 \pi k {1 \over N } x\right), \quad \text{ for } k = \left\{ 1, 2, ..., \frac N2\right\},\\ b[k] &= \sum_{x = 0}^{N-1} s[x] \sin\left(2 \pi k {1 \over N } x\right), \quad \text{ for } k = \left\{ 1, 2, ..., \frac N2\right\}. \end{align}
So this seemed simple. Now it says that when $k = 0$ and when $k = N/2$ then we need to divide $a$ and $b$ by $N$ or multiply them by $2/N$ otherwise. I understand why when $k = 0$, because it's the DC offset, but didn't really understand why you had to do the same thing when $k = N/2$ until I read this post
QUESTION 1: It seems to indicate that when you use the exponential form of the DFT then when $k = N/2$ then you have $\exp(\pi)$ which is equal to 1. Then it seems that in that situation the coefficient $a[N/2]$ has a particular meaning by I don't know which one?
Now this is where I am lost. In the "complete" equation for the DFT you don't compute $N/2$ coefficients by $N$ coefficients. That means that has soon as $k > N/2$ then the frequency of the harmonics is greater than the Nyquist frequency. I have illustrated this with the following image:
We have $N=8$ samples, thus the fundamental frequency is $\frac 18$ and we have harmonics: $1\cdot \frac 18, \ 2\cdot \frac 18, \ 3\cdot \frac 18, \ 4\cdot \frac 18$. However as soon as go above that then the harmonics go beyond the Nyquist frequency.
QUESTION 2: why do we test the signal with harmonics whose frequency go beyond the Nyquist frequency?
Finally, and I think this is actually related to question 2, I keep reading about positive and negative frequencies, but I just can make sense of this at all? This is my question 3.
QUESTION 3: could you please briefly explained if that's possible why we do speak and need positive and negative frequencies? Why do we need to care for negative frequencies?