
I am learning about the transfer function of IIR filters, and I am calculating it two different ways: directly from the formula and taking the z-transform of the output. They are giving different answers and I want to understand why. If X is the input and Y is the output, we have

$ |Y(z) |^2 = |H(z)|^2 |X(z)|^2$ so that

$ |Y(e^{i\omega T}) |^2 = |H(e^{i\omega T})|^2 |X(e^{i\omega T})|^2$. Does this imply that the power spectrum of the output is equal to the power spectrum of the input multiplied by $|H(e^{i\omega T})|^2$ ?

I tried to implement this with an actual signal and IIR filter. They differ but is it because of the initial ringing of the filter before it reaches a steady state? Is this initial ringing expected? Or am I missing a term somewhere? Otherwise is the method correct? When the input is a sine wave with a slightly different frequency, the green curve also looks like a gaussian but with a differing amplitude.

import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import rfft
from numpy import pi
from scipy.signal import lfilter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

b=[1,-1.414, 1.0]


z= np.exp(1j*w)

H = (b[0] + b[1]/z + b[2]/z**2)/(a[0] + a[1]/z + a[2]/z**2)

f=0.125 # frequency close to the notch
times = np.arange(N_pts)
signal = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*times) 

filtered = lfilter(b,a,signal) # filtered signal
# note initial oscillations, then becomes zero as expected

## calculate |Y(z)|^2 two different ways
fft2_direct = np.absolute(rfft(filtered))**2
Yz_direct = fft2_direct[:-1] # ignore last freq

fft2_sig = np.absolute(rfft(signal))**2
fft2_sig = fft2_sig[:-1] # ignore last freq

Hmag = np.absolute(H)**2
Yz_H = fft2_sig*Hmag

plt.xlabel('first 100 time steps')
plt.title('filtered sine wave near notch')
plt.title('    FFT')

See code for more desciption. Bottom plot is the power spectrum of the output calculated in two different ways.


1 Answer 1


Yes, the main problem is that the filter initial conditions are causing a transient response to overcome the main response.

Try setting


and you should see it's closer:

Picture with many more points

Adding many more points after the transient response reduces its effect.

The other problem is: I wonder at expecting an output at a frequency that is close to the frequency being notched out.

Jupyter notebook here.


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