I'm testing an OFDM system implemented in fixed point. The data format is Q11. My system work's fine but I need to test it under some channel for evaluation of the design before field testing. The system will be tested on Rician fading channel but for now I'm working on AWGN testing first. I asked a similar question here: Apply AWGN noise to QPSK-OFDM symbol
But I realized that the problem is in the fixed point - float point conversion. I had a simulation of my system using 32b and the results agree with the theoretical BERXEbN0 for QPSK systems.
I'm using the following code for apply noise:
def awgn(self,data,noise_power):
data_dq = data*(2.**(DATA_WIDTH-1))
Es = sum(abs(data_dq)**2.)
Eb = Es/(self.OFDM_SIZE*2.)
EbN0_dB = noise_power + 10*log10(self.t_symbol/(self.t_symbol - self.t_cp))
EbN0 = (10.)**(EbN0_dB/10.)
N0 = Eb/EbN0
noise = sqrt(N0/2.)*(random.standard_normal((data_dq.size,)) + random.standard_normal((data_dq.size,))*1j)
return around(data_dq + noise)/(2.**(DATA_WIDTH-1))
where DATA_WIDTH = 12.
With this implementation the system agree for some regions of EbN0 curve and goes far from the curve in the other regions. With this number of bits I'm getting $10^{-2}$ BER with an EbN0 of 10dB.
My question is: how to handle the conversion between fixed and float point in this context?
I had changed some parts of the above code:
def awgn(self,data,noise_power):
data_dq = data
Es = sum(abs(data_dq)**2.)
Eb = Es/(self.OFDM_SIZE*2.)
EbN0_dB = noise_power + 10*log10(self.t_symbol/(self.t_symbol - self.t_cp))
EbN0 = (10.)**(EbN0_dB/10.)
N0 = Eb/EbN0
noise = sqrt(N0/2.)*(random.standard_normal((data_dq.size,)) + random.standard_normal((data_dq.size,))*1j)
return data_dq + around(noise*(2.**(DATA_WIDTH-1)))/(2.**(DATA_WIDTH-1))
I guess it will not affect the system performance but it's here for keep updated.
Below are the curve from my last simulation:
As you can see I have a floor in my present design.
I'm asking if this floor is due to my fixed point system performance or it's an effect of the channel model.
Just fro add an update to the problem for future reference. The problem was in the parameters of the fixed-point FFT core used. The effects in the figure above are due to clipping, as stated from the helpful comments in this topic. Thank you for your support.