I have a signal $x(t)$ of bandwidth $W_1$ transmitted over carrier frequency $f_1$, and another signal $i(t)$ of bandwidth $W_2$ transmitted over carrier frequency $f_2$. The main lobe of both signals' spectrums don't overlap. They are transmitted on the same time. So the passband received signal can be expressed as
and the corresponding baseband signal is (relative to the carrier frequency $f_1$)
where $\sim$ over a signal means the corresponding baseband signal, and $z(t)$ is additive white Gaussian noise process of zero mean and power spectral density $N_0$.
Although $\tilde{i}(t)e^{j2\pi(f_2-f_1)t}$ doesn't actually interfere with $\tilde{x}(t)$, its spectrum is assumed to appear in the power spectrum density of $\tilde{r}(t)$ at the output of the analog-to-digital converter by sampling the received signal $\tilde{r}(t)$ at a sampling rate $f_s$, where the frequency range of the double-sided PSD is $[-\frac{f_s}{2},\frac{fs}{2}]$.
I want to model the above system in MATLAB, however I have doubts on how to generate $\tilde{i}(t)$. If $\tilde{i}(t)$ interfered with $\tilde{x}(t)$, I would define the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) and the received signal can be written as
where $n(t)$ is additive white Gaussian noise process of zero mean and power unity.
In my case, can I write the received signal as
where $\mathtt{SNR}_x$ and $\mathtt{SNR}_i$ are the SNR of the signals $x(t)$ and $i(t)$, respectively, and $n_x(t)$ and $n_i(t)$ are additive white Gaussian processes of zero mean and normalized power?
Can I write the passband received signal as
$$r(t)=\Re\left\{\left[x(t)+n_x(t)\right]e^{j2\pi f_1t}+\left[i(t)+n_i(t)\right]e^{j2\pi f_2t}\right\}$$
such that when I find the baseband signal with respect to $f_1$ I get
$$y(t)=x(t)+n_x(t)+e^{j2\pi (f_2-f_1)t}\left[i(t)+n_i(t)\right]$$
assuming $n_x(t)$ has a normalized [unit] power over bandwidth $W_1$, while $n_i(t)$ has a normalized power over bandwidth $W_2$?
In practice, both signal will experience the same additive noise sample at the front-end receiver, that's where my confusion is!