I am trying to apply the kaiser window during sinc interpolation.
The following is my sinc interpolation code:
def sincTrain(sig, interpolationFactor):
tn = np.arange(0,len(sig),1)
t = np.arange(0,len(sig),1/interpolationFactor)
sincTrain = np.zeros((len(t),len(sig)))
w = np.kaiser(len(t),2.5)
nind = 0
for n in tn:
sincTrain[:, nind] = sig[nind]*np.sinc((t - n)) * w
return np.sum(sincTrain,1)
I realised that the kaiser window does not follow my sinc function. I have added the plots below to better illustrate the problem I am having.
How can I modify the code such that the kaiser window moves along with the sinc function?