(Disclaimer. I have started doing some DSP. The last time I worked with this was in the eigthies. And I wasn't much of a specialist then, either.)
Is the impulse response different for IIR and FIR filters (since I don't know if my heading is correct, so to say).
I know that the impulse response of an ideal low-pass is sinc (Low-pass filter: Ideal and real filters).
However, in an example from XMOS xCORE-200 DSP Elements Library, part app_design, the impulse response is like .
I could probably paste the code here, if necessary.
The IIR filter is given samples with value 1.0 as the first. The other 7 are 0.0. They say that this is a dirac delta pulse (which seems to be associated with sinc), but might this be a kronecker delta pulse instead? I have looked at the Wikipedia articles about this.
Another thing. I have for years thought that it's the time sequence impulse response of a (generic) delta pulse that, will be reflected in the spectrum after an FFT, being the transfer function of the filter it's going through. But then, the sinc doesn't look much like a transfer function. But now I read that this goes for a rectangular pulse. Didn't Bach go to the churces he got musical orders from and clapped and listened to the echo to really learn about the room, and thus make music that wasn't smeared out? I would certainly like this straightened up!