Often in variational methods (and not only) we have an energy that is of the form: $$E(u) = \frac{1}{2}\|f-u\|^2_2 + \frac{\alpha}{2}\|\psi(u)\|^2_2,$$
where the first term is referred to as the data term, and the second as the smoothness term. I understand that the squared $L_2$ norm is especially appealing since it results in a simple expression when we are looking for the minimum. I am looking for the formal motivation for designing such an energy. More specifically, I would like to see it as resulting from some bound upon the actual error. Let $f$ be a degraded/noisy image of the original image $g$, and $u$ be the image that we are looking for. Is it possible for the above to be interpreted as a bound of $\|g-f\|^2_2$? Let us consider an even simpler problem (where $h$ is a sufficiently smoothed version of $f$): $$E(u) = \frac{1}{2}\|f-u\|^2_2 + \frac{\alpha}{2}\|u-h\|^2_2$$ If I start from $\|g-f\|_2$ I can get the following bound: $$\|u-g\| = \|u-f+f-g\| \leq \|u-f\| + \|f-g\|$$ $$\|u-g\| = \|u-h+h-g\| \leq \|u-h\| + \|h-g\|$$ Combining the two inequalities with some weight $\lambda \in [0,1]$ I get: $$\|u-g\|\leq (1-\lambda)\|u-f\| + \lambda\|u-h\| + (1-\lambda)\|f-g\| + \lambda\|h-g\|$$ Since $f,g,h$ are fixed, the minimization is only over the first two terms: $$\min_u (1-\lambda)\|u-f\| + \lambda\|u-h\|$$ And this can be rewritten through $\alpha$ by setting $\alpha = \frac{\lambda}{1-\lambda}$. My issue is that these are still not squared norms. If I try to square both sides, this results in a different minimization energy. The other way to get the squares involves writing out something of the form: $$\|u-g\|^2 = \|(u-f) + (f-g)\|^2 = \|u-f\|^2 + \|f-g\|^2 - 2(u-f)\cdot(g-f) \\ \leq \|u-f\|^2 + \|f-g\|^2$$ The last inequality holds only when $(u-f)\cdot(g-f) \geq 0$ though. Said otherwise, the angle between $(u-f)$ and $(g-f)$ needs to be smaller than 90 degrees which is not something that can be guaranteed I believe. A looser bound is: $$\|u-g\|^2 \leq \|u-f\|^2 + \|f-g\|^2 + 2\|u-f\|\|f-g\|,$$ but it also involves non-squared terms.
Here's something else I noticed about the non-squared energy:
$$\alpha\|u-f\| + \beta\|u-h\|, \alpha, \beta > 0$$
will always have as solutions $u=f$ or $u=h$ for $\alpha<\beta$ respectively $\alpha>\beta$. When $\alpha=\beta$ any solution of the form $(1-\lambda)f + \lambda h$ is admissible. It is thus clear that the above is not very interesting as a minimization energy.
Cross-posted to: https://math.stackexchange.com/q/3692290/463794 I expect to get a different perspective there.