I need to simulate the sampling of a continuous (fsCtu = 128000Hz), acoustic signal with two microphones that have a slight offset in sampling rate (fsMic1 = 16000, fsMic2 = 16000.1) in Matlab. What is the best way to do this?
Things I tried:
- The Matlab "resample" command only works for resampling to 16000, not to 16000.1
- "interp1" doesn't seem to be an option because I think I need to use bandlimited interpolation for a correct simulation. (Is this assumption correct?)
- I tried to write my signal to a wav file and resample it via a system call using this software, then load the processed file with wavread. I'm not sure if this is a good solution. A quick test revealed that this method doesn't give the same result as the "resample" command for resampling to 16000Hz, which I find strange.
Any ideas or suggestions?