I'm willing to estimate the Harmonics to Noise Ratio (HNR) of a speech signal x[k] and using autocorrelation method.
Theoretically, HNR is given as,
$$ \ HNR = \frac{R_{xx}[T_0] }{R_{xx}[0]-R_{xx}[T_0]} $$
where $\ R_{xx}$ is the autocorrelation function (ACF) and estimated as,
$$ R_{xx,biased}[l] = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=l}^{N-1}{x[k]x[k-l]} $$
$$ R_{xx,unbiased}[l] = \frac{1}{N-l} \sum_{k=l}^{N-1}{x[k]x[k-l]} $$
My question is how can I choose ACF function? Should it be biased or unbiased?
Constraints are signal x should be stationary (so I use the small part of the signal to be stationary) and noise is white and should be uncorreleated (N should be large enough). But these constraints has nothing to do the with type of the ACF estimation.