I have this signal: $$x(t)=\sum \mathrm{rect}\left(\frac {t-kT_0} {20}\right)+\mathrm{rect}\left(\frac {t-kT_0} {40}\right)+\mathrm{rect}\left(\frac {t-kT_0} {80}\right)$$ with $T_0=140$, pass it through the filter $H(f)={\mathrm{rect}}\left(\frac f F\right)$. What is the value of $F$ such that power is $P=1$?
Fourier Trasform is:
$\sum C_n\delta(f-nf_0)$
$C_n=\frac 1 {T_0}[sinc(20nf_0)+sinc(n40f_0)+sinc(n80f_0)]$
if call y(t) the signal output, I have:
the power spectral density is:
$P(f)= \sum (|C_n|^2\delta(f-nf_0))|H(f)|^2$
with $P_x(f)=\sum (|C_n|^2\delta(f-nf_0) $
don't know find F
if don't error for n=0
so for $0<F<\frac 1 {T_0}$ the power should be 1. but I'don't sure