The question is based on Book : Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing by Steven Kay, Chapter 4 : Eq(4.21). The expression for the variance of the estimated coefficients when the input is PRN as
$$\textrm{Var}\left(\hat{h}_i\right)= \frac{\sigma_w^2}{Nr_{uu}[0]} \tag{1}$$
where $\sigma_w^2$ is the variance of the measurement noise; $\sigma_u^2$ is the variance of the input.
Let the model be: $$x[n] = \sum_{i=1}^m h[i]u[n-i] + w[n] \tag{2}$$
where $u[\cdot]$ is the input process, and $w[n]$ is a zero mean white gaussian noise. $\sigma_{\rm input}^2$ is the variance of the input, $u[n]$ and $\sigma_{\rm noise}^2$ is the variance of the measurement noise $w[n]$. The cross-correlation function $R_{x,u}[\cdot]$ between $x[\cdot]$ and $u[\cdot]$ is the periodic convolution between the sequence $h[\cdot]$ and the periodic autocorrelation function $R_{u,u}[\cdot]$
Performance is evaluated using CRLB of channel coefficients.
Can somebody please explain to clear my confusion about what the expression of the variance of the estimator i.e, Cramer-Rao lower bound for the channel coefficients will be
- (a) when $u[n]$ takes real values. Is it $\frac{m\sigma_{\rm noise}^2}{N \sigma_{\rm input}^2}$
- (b) when $u[n]$ takes values from a finite symbol set $\{+1,-1\}$. Is it $\displaystyle \frac{m\sigma^2_{\rm noise}}{N}$ where $\sigma^2_u = 1$ and $r_{uu} =1 $
The expression in the book is for PRN sequence, but I don't quite understand what PRN sequence is. is it another term for symbolic values (not real values)? By PRN do we mean the values are ${+1,-1}$?
EDIT of the update based on the answer and offline discussions
Just to confirm if I am on the correct track. The general formula for $var(\mathbf{\Delta h}\mathbf{\Delta h^T}) =\frac{ \text{variance of measurement noise}}{\text{normalizing factor * autocorrelation of input}}$ = $\frac{\sigma^2}{D*\text{autocorre of input}} $ where $D = N * variance = N {\sigma^2_u }$.
Therefore, $var(\mathbf{\Delta h}\mathbf{\Delta h^T}) = \frac{\sigma^2}{N \sigma^2_u \sum u[n]u^*[n]}$ = $\frac{\sigma^2}{N(\sigma^2_u \sigma^{*2}_u)^2}$ [autocorrelation having complex conjugate term] ??
For +1/-1 sequence, this formula evaluates to $var(\mathbf{\Delta h}\mathbf{\Delta h^T}) = \frac{\sigma^2}{N\sigma^2_u} $
For QAM :$var(\mathbf{\Delta h}\mathbf{\Delta h^*}) = \frac{\sigma^2}{D (\sum u[n] u^*[n])}$ = $\frac{\sigma^2} { \big(N \sigma_u \sigma_u^*\big) \big(\sum u[n] u^*[n]\big)}$