I had the following question on edX:
I'm failing to understand why the second signal has $M(\omega)=A(\omega)$. First I find the DTFT of the signal:
$$\mathcal{F}\{\delta [n]+\delta [n-1]\}\ =\ 1\ +\ e^{-j\omega}$$
I then deduce the $A(\omega)e^{\ j\phi_A(\omega)}$ representation:
$$1\ +\ e^{-j\omega}\ =\ \big[\cos (\omega)+1\big ]\ -\ j\cdot\sin (\omega)\ =\ 2\cos \bigg (\dfrac{\omega}{2}\bigg )e^{-j\frac{\omega}{2}}$$
The magnitude spectrum is:
$$M(\omega)\ =\ 2\cdot \bigg |\cos \bigg (\dfrac{\omega}{2}\bigg )\bigg |$$
Therefore $M(\omega)\neq A(\omega)$. As a result, $\phi_M(\omega)$ will equal $\phi_A(\omega)$ except contain discontinuities of size $\pm\pi$ at values of $\omega$ where $A(\omega)$ has a zero crossing.
The only scenario I can envisage where $M(\omega)=A(\omega)$ is if $A(\omega)\geq 0$ however as I got the question wrong there must be something wrong with my logic, could somebody clarify?