let's begin with a normalized-frequency lowpass prototype, where we want $|H_N(0)|=1$ and $|H_N(j\omega)|<1$ for $|\omega|>0$ and where we want the gain to essentially decrease as $|\omega|$ increases.
for normalized frequency, the $N$th-order prototype Butterworth frequency response (magnitude-squared) is
$$ |H_N(j\omega)|^2 \ = \ \frac{1}{1+\omega^{2N}} $$
if you compute the derivatives
$$ \frac{d |H_N(j\omega)|^2}{d \omega} $$
and evalutate it at $\omega=0$, you will see that all of these derivatives are zero up to the $2N$th derivative (the odd-order derivatives would be zero anyway).
this is what makes it maximally flat at $\omega=0$.
for the lowpass (LPF), highpass (HPF), and bandpass (BPF), tuned to a specific frequency, $\omega_0$, this same normalized-frequency prototype (once $H_N(s)$ is figured out) is used with these mappings:
$$ H_{LPF}(s) = H_N\left( \frac{s}{\omega_0} \right) $$
$$ H_{HPF}(s) = H_N\left( \frac{\omega_0}{s} \right) $$
$$ H_{BPF}(s) = H_N\left( Q \left( \frac{s}{\omega_0} + \frac{\omega_0}{s} \right) \right) $$