I am making preparations to implement FFT on a wav File.wav Only Java. I'm reluctant to use matlab
I have a File wav stereo, 16 bits.
I need to calculate the FFT, but I have confusing.
My File has a Frequency of 44100, the samples in bytes are 10 minuts ->
(10 minuts)*(60 seconds)*(44100 sample rate)*(2 bytes because are 16 bits)
= 52920000 >~ 52MB per channel.
As you can see it's a big file.
1. Question. Can I to split my file in order to make smaller calculus? If yes, My file can be variable, How I can calculate a moderate lenght working in function of frequency (greater frequency will need greater length FFT).
2. Question. According to FFT the size need to have a lenght = mantissa = Pow(2, Integer). Can I to fill with zeros to reach Pow(2, Integer), Example I have a file with a lenght of 65000 samples, then I will need a FFT with order of 16 -> mantissa = 65536, Can i to fill with zeros the others 536 samples?
Thank you.