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How to implement scale-dependent Gaussian averaging using Morlet wavelet envelope in Python?

I'm trying to reproduce the scale-dependent Gaussian averaging of a time series as described in this paper: The process involves performing a continuous wavelet ...
Jokerp's user avatar
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Standard deviation of Morlet wavelet's Fourier transform

MATLAB has the complex Morlet Wavelet in the following form: $$\psi(t) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi f_b}}e^{\frac{-t^2}{f_b}}e^{j2\pi f_ct}$$ I arrived at its Fourier transform as shown below (another ...
user759268's user avatar
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Scaling a wavelet in continuous wavelet transform

The mexican hat wavelet, obtained from the second derivative of a Gaussian, has a functional form of $$ \frac{2}{\sqrt{3 \sqrt{\pi} \sigma \ }} \left(1-\frac{t^2}{\sigma^2} \right) e^{-t^2/(2\sigma^...
ACR's user avatar
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Does a "chirp"-like generalization of the Gabor or Morlet wavelets definitions exist in the lit somewhere?

I have asked this at the Math SE also. Predicating this on the definition of the continuous Fourier Transform preferred by most electrical engineers: $$ X(f) \triangleq \mathscr{F} \Big\{ x(t) \Big\} \...
robert bristow-johnson's user avatar
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Transform coding gain of two channel Haar Wavelet transform (first stage)

Question My interpretation Work I'm attempting to do this in MATLAB. I know that for discrete Random Processes going into an LTI system the autocorrelation function of the output is $R_y[n] =...
yellow_watermelon's user avatar
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Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and Undecimated DWT

One of the benefits of DWT is that it is an orthonormal transform. There are statements that the energy of noise component mainly concentrates on the high-frequency (detail) part and distributes ...
Alexander Reshytko's user avatar