I'm trying to reproduce the -13.2 dB sidelobe level typically observed for a linear chirp pulse (cf. for instance this MATLAB documentation page: the range sidelobes of a linear FM are 13.2 dB below the main lobe.
) and always end up with a first sidelobe several dB below despite trying different normalization quantities and both 10*log(abs(corr))
and 20*log(abs(corr))
as dB definition (thought a correlation was already squared so didn't need the 10*log -> 20*log
coefficient). I'm additionally confused since the normalization proposed below successfully puts the main lobe peak to 0 dB as expected. Here is the Python code leading to the problematic matched filter profile shown below (green line is -13.5 dB line, substantially above all sidelobes):
import scipy.signal as signal
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fs = 100e6 # sampling freq
BW = 10e6 # LFM chirp bandwidth
T = 10e-6 # pulse duration
t = np.arange(0,T,1/fs)
pulse = np.exp(2j*np.pi*(BW/(2*T))*(t**2))
pulse_energy = np.sum(np.abs(pulse)**2)
normalized_MF = signal.correlate(pulse,pulse,"same") / pulse_energy
normalized_MF_dB = 20*np.log(normalized_MF)
plt.axhline(np.max(normalized_MF_dB)-13.5,label="Peak - 13.5 dB",color="green")
My understanding is my code is using the following normalization for all delays \tau
considered (and my mistake may come from an inconsistent use of the complex-version of the energy computation - which differs from the energy "one-sided" version - w.r.t to the use of |.|
to plot magnitudes ?):