Im a beginner at signal processing and I've gotten the following question in an exercise:
"Write down the equation for a Gaussian probability density distribution and relate the different variables to the autocorrelation function of a Gaussian random signal"
The first part of the question is seems pretty straightforward and I write the Gaussian PDF as: $$ f_x(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma_x \sqrt{2 \pi}} \ \ \text{exp}\bigg[ - \frac{(x-m_x)^2}{2 \sigma_x ^2} \bigg] $$
But the second part i dont know how to aproach it. How do I find the autocorrelation function $R(\tau)$ of a Gaussian random signal?
Do I find it as:
R(\tau) = E[x(t)x(t-\tau)]
and then calulate the integral?
Or is the autocorrelation function known?
I could not find the formual for the autocorrelation function anywhere except using chatGPT which i dont really trust.