I am doing a project about the fractionally spaced equalizers on matlab. The goal is to mitigate ISI on the signal using the LMS algorithm to update the tap weights of the FSE. Below i have uploaded the whole code. I have done most of the project but have some problems on the final part. When i try to write the LMS algorithm part it seems to always have some problems (below i've put 2 versions of it, one is commented %%). I don't know what might be the problem. Since i'm using a BPSK modulated signal the final result should be a graph with points scattered around -1 and 1 forming 2 clouds arond these 2 values. Can you help me understand where does my error lies and how to fix it? The help will be very much appreciated.
Below i have explained all the code to make it easier for everyone to follow:
Channel impulse response creation. (RRC channel impulse response).
% Root of raised cosine filter parameters
alpha = 0.35; % Rolloff factor
L = 24; % Truncated impulse length (-L/2:L/2)
Nc = 12; % Number of samples per symbol
% Tx filter design
istrt = floor(L/2);
n = -istrt:1/Nc:istrt; %(-L/2:1/Nc:L/2)
pt = truncRRC(n, alpha,0);
% Plot Tx/Rx impulse response
figure, stem(n, pt), title('RRC filter impulse response')
Insertion of ISI in the channel impulse response. Since i have to have ISI in my channel impulse response (otherwise i wouldn't need equalization) i have created an identical copy of "pt" called "pt_delay" that is just shifted in time. After that i have used this method to insert ISI "pt_delay = 0.7pt+0.3pt_delay;"
pt_delay = truncRRC(n, alpha,1/3);
pt_delay = 0.7*pt+0.3*pt_delay;
figure, stem(n, pt_delay), title('RRC filter impulse response with delay')
Here the BPSK modulated signal is created.
% M-PSK consellation
M = 2; % Number of PSK levels
mb = log2(M); % Number of bits
psklev = exp(1j*2*pi*(0:M-1)/M); % M-PSK levels
nSym = 1000; % Number of symbols
symtx = randi([0,M-1], nSym, 1); % Generate random M-ary symbols
[symtxg, ~] = togray(symtx, mb); % Gray mapping
ci = psklev(symtxg+1); % Symbol selection
After that i have created my packet that consists of a Barker preamble, training sequence and the BPSK symbols. Upsample the signal and then filter it.
pairs = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6; 7 8; 9 10; 11 12; 13 14;
15 16; 17 18; 19 20; 21 22; 23 24; 25 26;
27 28 ;29 30; 31 32; 33 34; 35 36; 37 38;
39 40; 41 42; 43 44; 45 46; 47 48; 49 50;
51 52; 53 54; 55 56; 57 58; 59 60; 61 62; 63 64];
% Generate Barker sequence
barker = ones(1, 16);
for i = 1:size(pairs, 1)
barker(pairs(i, 1)) = -1;
barker(pairs(i, 2)) = 1;
barker_len = size(barker);
% Generate training sequence
trainSymtx = randi([0, M-1], 1, nSym); % Random M-ary symbols
ReadySignal = [barker,trainSymtx, ci];
% Transmission filtering: upsample and filter
txSig_up = upsample(ReadySignal, Nc);
txSig = filter(pt_delay, 1, txSig_up);
Noise addition
SNR = 30; % SNR in dB
SNRlin = 10^(SNR/10); % SNR linear scale
swn = sqrt(0.5*Nc/(SNRlin*mb)); % Noise variance
rxSig = txSig + swn*(randn(size(txSig)) + 1j*randn(size(txSig)));
figure, scatter(real(rxSig), imag(rxSig)), title('Received constellation')
% Receiver filtering
rxSig2 = filter(pt, 1, rxSig);
After adding noise and filtering it's time for cross correlation to find where does my "useful" signal starts.
preamble_up = upsample(barker, Nc);
[r,lags] = xcorr(rxSig2,preamble_up);
[~, idx] = max(abs(r));
start_preamble_idx = lags(idx); % start_preamble_idx is the index of the symbol that precedes the first of the preamble
I have downsampled to pass from 12 samples per symbol to only 2 samples per symbol
% downsampling
rxSig_ds = downsample(rxSig2(start_preamble_idx+1:end), Nc/2);
figure, scatter(real(rxSig_ds), imag(rxSig_ds)), title('Received constellation downsampled')
Here i have divided my received packet into its 3 parts
% ML detection (minimum distance)
dist_vec = abs(psklev.' - rxSig_ds) .^ 2;
[~, sym_idx] = min(dist_vec);
det_symg = sym_idx - 1; % Gray-coded detected symbol
[detected_syms, ~] = fromgray(det_symg, mb); % Detected symbol
selected_syms = psklev(detected_syms + 1); % Symbol selection
% select only the preamble
preamble_syms = selected_syms(1:2*barker_len(2));
% select only the training sequence
trainseq_syms = selected_syms(2*barker_len(2)+1:2*barker_len(2)+2*nSym);
% select only the payload
payload_syms = selected_syms(2*barker_len(2)+2*nSym+1:end);
figure, scatter(real(payload_syms), imag(payload_syms)), title('Received payload')
ylim([-0.5 0.5])
Now we can check if the vector 'preamble_syms' contains the initial preamble 'barker'.
preamble_syms_real = real(preamble_syms);
preamble_syms_real = downsample(preamble_syms_real, 2);
if preamble_syms_real == barker
disp('The vectors are equal.');
disp('The vectors are not equal.');
Equalizer start
% FSE parameters
tapSpacing = 1/Nc; % Fractional tap spacing
numTaps = L*Nc; % Number of taps
% LMS algorithm parameters
stepSize = 0.01;
% Initialize tap weights
tapWeights = zeros(1, numTaps);
train_syms_real = real(trainseq_syms);
error = zeros(1, numTaps);
train_syms_real_ds = downsample(train_syms_real, 2);
This is where LMS algorithm is applied and where my problems start. As you can see i have tried 2 different approaches but nothing seems to work.
% % Perform equalization for each symbol in the training signal
% for i = 1:2*length(trainSymtx)
% % Extract the current training symbol
% currentSymbol = train_syms_real(i);
% % Convolve the tap weights with the received training seq using the fractional tap positions
% convOutput = conv(tapWeights, currentSymbol);
% % Calculate the error
% error = trainSymtx(i) - convOutput;
% % Update the tap weights using the LMS update rule
% tapWeights = tapWeights + stepSize * conj(currentSymbol) * error;
% end
for i = 1:nSym
convOutput(i) = tapWeights * train_syms_real_ds';
%convOutput(i) = conv(tapWeights, train_syms_real_ds);
error(i) = trainSymtx(i)-convOutput(i);
for m = 1:nSym
tapWeights(m) = tapWeights(m) + stepSize * error(i) * train_syms_real_ds(m);
% % Use the trained tap weights to equalize the received signal
% equalizedSignal = conv(tapWeights, payload_syms);
% %Downsample to have 1 sample per symbol
% equalizedSignal_ds = downsample(equalizedSignal,2);
figure, scatter(real(equalizedSignal_ds), imag(equalizedSignal_ds)), title('Constellation after equalization')
Necessary functions
function pRRC=truncRRC(x,a,tau)
%truncRRC: Truncated raised root cosine impulse
%Use: pRRC=truncRRC(x,a,tau)
% x: normalised time
% a: rolloff, within [0,1]
% tau: input delay
% truncRRC(x,a)= (1-a) sinc( (1-a) x) +
% a( sinc(ax + 1/4) cos(pi (x+1/4)) + sinc(ax - 1/4) cos(pi (x-1/4))
x = x - tau; % delayed time
pRRC = (1-a)*sinc(x*(1-a));
pRRC = pRRC + a* sinc(a*x + 0.25).*cos(pi * (x + 0.25));
pRRC = pRRC + a* sinc(a*x - 0.25).*cos(pi * (x - 0.25));
function [gd, gb] = togray(in, len)
if ischar(in)
in = bin2dec(in);
gd = bitxor(in, bitshift(in,-1));
gb = dec2bin(gd, len);
function [de, bi] = fromgray(in, len)
if ischar(in)
in = bin2dec(in);
in = in(:);
n_syms = length(in);
b = zeros(n_syms,len);
% get MSB of in
b(:,1) = bitget(in, repmat(len,[n_syms,1]));
for sh = 2 : len
in_loc = bitget(in, repmat(len-sh+1,[n_syms,1]));
b(:,sh) = bitxor(b(:,sh-1), in_loc);
bi = num2str(b);
de = bin2dec(bi);