To be clear, the estimate of the noise is in no way affected by the amplitude, but the estimate of the amplitude is of course affected by the noise. The standard deviation for the result of our amplitude estimate is directly given by the level of the noise on that signal (it is the noise measure).
The noise is simply additive so there is no reason we would expect it to be scaled or changed by the amplitude. Similarly, the mean of a random process does not effect the standard deviation or variance. We see this directly in the computation of the variance:
$$ \sigma^2 = \frac{x_i - \mu}{N}$$
Where $\mu$ represents the mean of the population of samples $x_i$.
This applies to the mean of a DC signal as well as the magnitude of a sinusoid in AWGN.
The DFT is a good example for simplicity in explanation as we can describe the result for a single complex tone at any bin as that bin translated to DC and the resulting samples summed. For example at bin k=2 the tone at bin center would be:
$$x[n] = Ae^{j 2 \pi n 2/N}+ \mathscr{N}[n]$$
Where $A$ is the amplitude and $\mathscr{N}[n]$ represents independent and identically distributed complex samples of Gaussian noise with a variance of $\sigma^2$ and a standard deviation of $\sigma$.
(Note that a sinusoid is two complex tones as given by Euler's formula: $2\cos(\omega t + \phi) = e^{j(\omega t + \phi)} + e^{-j(\omega t + \phi)}$)
The DFT result for that specific bin is given by:
$$X[k=2] = \sum_{n=o}^{N-1}x[n]e^{-j2\pi n 2/N}$$
$$ =\sum_{n=o}^{N-1}(Ae^{j 2 \pi n 2/N}+ \mathscr{N}[n])e^{-j2\pi n 2/N} $$
$$=\sum_{n=o}^{N-1}(A+ \mathscr{N}[n]e^{-j4\pi n /N} )$$
$$ = NA + \sum_{n=o}^{N-1}\mathscr{N}[n]e^{-j4\pi n /N}$$
Since each sample of the noise term $\mathscr{N}[n]$ is independent with a uniform phase distribution, we can drop the continuous phase rotation $e^{-j4\pi n /N}$ without changing the result for the variance and standard deviation; the noise term would have the same variance and standard deviation as the following:
$$ \sum_{n=o}^{N-1}\mathscr{N}[n]$$
As is well known and further detailed here and here, the variance of the sum of independent random variables will add, so the result with have a variance that is $\sigma^2/N$ and a standard deviation of $\sigma/\sqrt{N}$.
Basically there is a summation of N samples in the result where the magnitude that is correlated from sample to sample would grow by N but the noise which is uncorrelated from sample to sample would grow by the square root of N. Thus we would get a processing gain in SNR of $10\log_{10}(N)$.
So the estimate of the amplitude (which is the mean) would have a standard deviation of error that is reduced by $\sqrt{N}$ where $N$ is the total number of samples as long as the noise in those samples is indeed independent and identically distributed from sample to sample (and the noise process is stationary over the duration of those samples!). While the total number of samples used to compute the estimate results in a lower noise, that result for the noise is not affected in any way by the amplitude $A$; For any given amplitude $A$, if the noise were to get stronger (which means lower SNR), our estimate of that amplitude would of course get worst. But if our amplitude were to get lower (which also means lower SNR), our estimate of that amplitude would be unchanged in terms of an absolute standard deviation metric. We see that in both cases we are ultimately affected by the noise alone.