Going directly for the variance is hard, because we don't know the pmf/pdf/cdf/moment-generating function/characterstic function/… of your $X$.
What we can do, instead, is going through entropy, and in the end look at the worst case for that. Let's assume $X$ is continuously-valued and has a differentiable cumulative density function $F_X$ and hence a probability density function $f_X$.
- The (differential) entropy $h(X)$ (in bits) of $X$ is bounded to $\log_2 \Delta$.
\begin{align} h(X):=\ & \int-\log_2(f_X(x) )f(x)\,\mathrm dx\\
=\ &\int\log_2\left(\frac1{f_X(x)}\right) \mathrm dF_X(x)\\
&\text{and we make that log well-defined by}\\
&\text{applying it only where the pdf takes non-}\\
&\text{zero values (outside, the entropy contri-}\\
&\text{buted is 0, anyways) and is bounded (we}\\
&\text{required $X$ to be continously distributed)}\\
=\ &\int_0^{\Delta}\log_2\left(\frac1{f_X(x)}\right) \mathrm dF_X(x)\\
&\text{Now, we realize $\log$ is always a concave}\\
&\text{functions, and thus, }\textbf{Jensen's Inequality}\\
&\text{applies (yeah, measurability is given by $f$}\\
&\text{being the derivative of $F$).}\\
\le\ &\log_2\left(
\int_0^\Delta \frac1{f_X(x)}\mathrm dF(x)
\right) \tag{☮}\label{le}
=\ &\log_2\left(
\int_0^\Delta \frac1{f_X(x)} f(x) \mathrm dx
=\ &\log_2\left(
\int_0^\Delta 1 \mathrm dx
=\ &\log_2\Delta
- Since noise is independent to signal, $h(Y)=h(X+N)=h(X) + h(N)$, with $h(N)=\frac 12\log_2(2\pi e\sigma^2)+\frac12$:
$$h_\max(Y) = \frac 12\log_2(2\pi e\sigma^2\Delta^2) +\frac12 .$$
At this point, it's usually good to actually stop – knowing the variance tells us less about our estimator than knowing its entropy - but if we want to make conclusions on the optimal estimator variance:
- The weak inequality $\eqref{le}$ becomes an equality for $1/f_X$ being a constant (without proof, but easy to test), so the distribution with the highest possible variance for a random variable $X$ with finite support $[0,\Delta]$ is the uniform distribution $f_X(x) = 1/\Delta, x\in[0,\Delta], f_X(x) = 0\text{ else}$. This makes the maximum likelihood estimator for this worst case easy to derive – and you should be able to read the variance from that.