I'm working on target extraction with raw FMCW ADC data. I arranged my received data in an (numADCsamples x numAntennas x numChirpsPerFrame) radar cube.
So far I am using range FFT and doppler FFT to generate range doppler map. Next I apply OS-CFAR for target extraction. Using 3D-FFT on the extracted targets (numTargets x numAntennas)-array with zero-padding, I am able to obtain the angle information about the extracted targets.
Unfortunately, the angle-resolution is pretty bad, so I came across Multiple Signal Classification. Is there a way to implement MUSIC to (numTargets x numAntennas)-array, or do I have to use multiple snapshots? E.g. I could use (numChirpsPerFrame x numTargets x numAntennas)-array, but then I would not be able to obtain doppler-velocity anymore, if my understanding is correct.
Thanks for any advice!