I am working with FMCW phased array radar with only upchirps. The range doppler matrix is obtained using the two dimensional fast Fourier transform on multiple chirps.
I want to obtain the angular spectrum per range velocity cell, so have taken range doppler bin for every antenna element and now I have a sample vector rdSnapShot
(1 X Nant
), where Nant
is number of antenna elements present.
For this functionality I am using MATLAB's pmusic
(MUSIC algorithm), my question is that as MATLAB's function pmusic
requires correlation matrix, is it correct to just multiply the sample vector (1 X Nant
) with its complex conjugate and obtain correlation matrix of (size Nant X Nant
N.B. I have just one range doppler bin for each antenna element.
Providing the MATLAB code:
nTargets = 2;
Rxx_outerproduct = rdSnapShot*rdSnapShot';
[powerSpectrumMUSIC,idxFreq] =pmusic(Rxx_outerproduct ,nTargets,'corr');
% Adjusting the frequency for zero centered angle
idxFreq = idxFreq - max(idxFreq)./2;
% Shifting the response to obtain zero centeric response
% Converting the frequency scale to direction of arrival scale
idxAngle = asind(idxFreq/pi);
angResponseMUSIC = (db(powerSpectrumMUSIC));