Yes. Windowing will decrease the frequency resolution and therefore increase time resolution. The resolution bandwidth as the inverse of time resolution is well tabulated in the classic paper by fred harris "On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform". Further you can compute the resolution bandwidth for any window directly with the following formula:
$$B = N \frac{\sum(w[n]^2)}{(\sum w[n])^2}$$
Where $B$ is the equivalent noise bandwidth in bins, and $w[n]$ are the window values, equal in length to the FFT.
The OP has clarified that the objective is to determine the starting edge of a pulse in time. I assume the pulse is bandwidth constrained in the presence of other significant noise or interference in other frequencies and hence the motivation to use the FFT as an approach to band filtering the signal of interest. I would suggest alternatively time domain techniques rather than frequency domain for purpose of determining time domain features. Specifically consider using a time-domain band pass filter to select the frequency range of interest and then from the filtered result in the time domain the time location for the start of the pulse can be easily determined with threshold detection on the pulse amplitude.
Further details, considerations and suggestions with that approach are as follows:
Use a linear phase filter so that the introduced delay of the filter can be easily removed / compensated for and will not cause any signal distortion (for a linear phase filter the delay is simply half the number of coefficients).
The bandwidth of the filter will effect the rise time of the resulting pulse, so there will be a trade of time accuracy and noise. For example, if the pulse itself was rectangular, this would require infinite bandwidth, which would also introduce the maximum amount of noise to the point where we may not be able to detect any signal in the noise. As we reduce the bandwidth, rise time will increase and noise will decrease, but the slower rise time will give us more uncertainty in the actual time event of what we refer to as "start of pulse" in the presence of noise. As a guideline, the relationship between the 10% to 90% rise and fall time to bandwidth is:
$$t_r = \frac{0.35}{BW}$$
Where $t_r$ is the 10% to 90% rise time (or 90% to 10% fall time) in seconds, and $BR$ is the bandwidth in Hz. This is specifically for a first order system, but will approximately hold very well for higher order systems as well.