The DC gain is simply the sum of filter taps or coefficients. This is the value of the frequency response at DC (i.e. $0\ \rm Hz$), or equivalently
H(0) = \sum_{n = 0}^{N - 1}h[n]\tag{1}
Because, for a digital FIR filter of length $N$ with impulse response given by Equation $(2)$
\big\{h[n]\big\}, \quad\text{with}\quad 0\le n\le N -1\tag{2}
the frequency response is the $z$-transform at the unit circle (i.e. $z = e^{j2\pi f}$), or in this case, equivalently
H(e^{j\omega}) \equiv H(\omega) = \mathcal F \left\{h[n]\right\} \triangleq \sum_{n = 0}^{N - 1}h[n]e^{-j\omega n } = \sum_{n = 0}^{N - 1}h[n]e^{-j2\pi n f}\tag{3}
Then you can think at DC (i.e. at $0\ \rm Hz$ or $f = 0$ or $\omega = 0$) to see the why of Equation $(1)$.
From DTFT to DFT
The DFT is the one practically computed in place of the DTFT. For finite-length signals (as is the case here), it provides the frequency-domain samples of the DTFT. Then $H[k]$, which is the DFT of the $h[n]$, is computed for $N$-point as shown in Equation $(4)$
H[k] = H(e^{j\omega}) \bigg\vert_{\omega = 2\pi k/N}\quad\text{with}\quad 0\leq k \leq N - 1\tag{4}
i.e. $H[k]$ consists of equally-spaced (by $2\pi/N$) samples of $H(e^{j\omega})$.
Noting that
$$\omega \equiv 2\pi f \quad\text{with}\quad -\pi \leq \omega \leq \pi\quad\text{and}\quad -\frac 12 \leq f \leq \frac 12$$
With $\omega$ in [radians/sample] and $f$ in [cycles/sample].
This can be done using MATLAB's freqz function as follows:
>> [h, w] = freqz([-3 0 -3 0], 1, [0 , pi/4])
h =
-6.000000000000000 + 0.000000000000000i -3.000000000000000 + 3.000000000000000i
w =
0 0.785398163397448
Giving you the flexibility to specify at whatever angular frequencies $\omega$ (in example above the evaluation is at two frequencies $0$ and $\pi/4$ rad/samples) you would want to evaluate the frequency response, (Here we're interested in the value at $\omega = 0$). The magnitude response with these two points is shown below
Note that the two points in magenta correspond exactly to
>> 20*log10(abs(h))
ans =
15.563025007672874 12.552725051033063
The values at $\omega = 0$ and $\omega = \pi/4$ respectively.