While trying to determine the unit step and impulse response for a discrete LTI system I had several problems:
$$ \begin{aligned} (Hx)[n]&=(Hx)[n-1]+\frac{1}{N}(x[n]-x[n-N]) \\x[n]&=(Hx)[n]=0\;\forall\;n\lt0 \end{aligned} $$
Starting with the Impulse response:
Can I argue that because of the condition $x[n]=(Hx)[n]=0\;\forall\;n\lt0$ the impulse response only exists where $n\gt 1\;\&\;n\gt N?$ But what about the other cases?
Concerning the Step response I am quite lost and am not even sure if this is how it is calculated:
Help as to how to proceed and solutions are greatly appreciated