What I understand is that using DFT, we are representing a given discrete signal using a basis of complex exponentials of different harmonic frequencies. If I am taking 16 point DFT of a signal sampled at 1 KHz, k=0 corresponds to 0 Hz, k=1 corresponds to 62.5Hz etc. Is this correct?
In the figure, a cosine of 187.5Hz is shown and it is sampled at 1KHz. The sampled signal is actually the cosine part of the complex exponential of k=3 in a 16 point DFT. What confuses me is that, although the continuous time signal is periodic with frequency 187.5Hz, the sampled signal is not having the same period.
If the sampled signal is not of frequency 187.5Hz, how can we say that basis vectors of k=3 picks up the signal component of 187.5Hz?